IT'S A BOY!!!!

Kate and William have had a baby boy! At 4:24pm London time.

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Back in Oz

Well everyone I have made it back. Sorry for the long hiatus but immigration was grooling. It took me 15 months to get back and it's not over folks. During my ordeal I have learned a great many things and I would like to give a shout out to my friends at, they were awesome in keeping me looking to the bright side and staying positive. I hope to start sharing my new life here in Oz with you and that you collaborate and ask any questions or leave any comments you wish. My next venture is to find a job. And like most places in the world it has been quite hectic. You have to file for a tax file number which is America's version of a Social Security Number and start looking. Also our relationship with immigration is far from over. Now that I have my Proposed Marriage visa now I need to apply for a Spousal visa which is basically sending them everything all over again. But he's worth it! Our wedding in January 1st! Well until next time.


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